Friday, January 27, 2006

Cut and Run

I disagree with the war in Iraq, and I disagree with why we're still there. I'm in full support of pulling out of Iraq. We should pack everything up and come home now.

Despite being proved wrong on almost all reasons Bush chose to go to war, the Bush Admninistration still believes Iraq is a war of necessity. Republicans say that hopefully the ends will justify the means. Not so here. Unfortunately, after nearly four years, things have not gotten better for the people of Iraq, nor our military. Furthermore, the world continues to judge us based on our actions in Iraq. Going to war on false premises, abusing prisoners in Abu Graib, appointing a nephew of Ahmad Chalabi, Sadaam's most vociferous opponent, to rule over the trial of Sadaam Hussein, giving no bid contracts to Haliburton who illegally over charged the U.S., being responsible for $25o billion of the rebuilding efforts when we can't even rebuild New Orleans, allowing our young men and women to die to democratize the Middle East are exactly the imperialistic notions that are hurting us, domestically and internationally.

Right now developing nations are looking to the U.S. as a role model for future governments, and what do they see? A Nixonian Bush administration that is adamant about stonewalling the free press, spying on its own citizens, or neglecting its own people during times of tragedy. They see a government that favors big business. They see an administration that appoints incompetent friends to positions beyond their capabilities.

I'm in support of pulling out of Iraq and using our military to protect our borders. I'm in support of using the labor power of our military to search cargo in our nations ports and keep us safe from dirty bombs, shipments of drugs, or chemical weapons. Though don't confuse this with isolationism. There are parts of the world that rely on our military for protection and for economic interests. Also, I believe in what we are doing in Afghanistan, though we are not being effective enough in locating and catching Osama.

What it all boils down to is that no one wants Iraq to become another Afghanistan, a country ruled by religious zealots that plot against America and its ideals. No one wants to feel like we failed, though we did it in Vietnam. We cut and ran on the government of South Vietnam and we left those poor people to the opprobrious natures of the North Vietnamese military and no one even batted an eye. I'm truly ashamed of our use of the military (not the military mind you) in Iraq and I hurt for our soldiers. They are dying for nothing more than the hubris of a deceitful presidency.


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