Rush Is a Big-Fat Liar!
Political cartoonists are a dime a dozen these days, but very few of them have mastered the use of irony as Tom Toles of the Washington Post has. Yesterday I posted one of his cartoons regarding the economy and how it's in the "shitter" as my old man used to say. But today I'd like to use this cartoon from Toles depicting a grossly obese Rush Limbaugh high on his throne. The depiction isn't unique. There are many who feel this gluttonous wretched bastard revels in his own filthy pool of anger, hate, and food addiction. Sorry if that last sentence had faulty parallelism, but my point is that Limbuagh is a disgusting wretch who doesn't need to be propped up in our society, even for the sake of ratings. And it bothers me that even moderate Republicans bow to this man, as Toles so clearly has drawn into his cartoon. With that said, this is the last thing I will post about Rush the magic blowhard. Enjoy Toles' cartoon:

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