Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Pakistan Shmakistan!

Really! Is there anyone left in the world that truly thinks Pakistan is a U.S. ally in the War on Terror? Furthermore, is there anyone left in the world that is blindly optimistic enough to assume they will be in the future?

Pakistan serves Pakistan. That is all folks. So the notion put forth by the Bush administration this week that Pakistan is a great friend in the war on Terror, especially in relation to keeping Al Queda and the Taliban in check, is completely and utterly false. With new Intelligence reports released last week that revealed Pakistani President/Dictator Pervez Musharef has made deals with the Taliban, an apparent effort to win back support from the Sunni Islamist fundamentalist pro-Pashtun movement who fell out of favor with Pakistan shortly after 9/11, it is clear that Musharef has no plans to help fight terrorists.

There is this false notion in America that Pakistan has thousands of troops amassed along the Afghan/Pakistan border searching for Osama bin Laden and routing out terrorists wherever it can find them. Read closely! Pakistan isn't worried about the Taliban or Al Queda. And, neither of the two groups have problems with Pakistan, unless it is perceieved that Pakistan is sympathetic to the West. Pakistan is an Islamic country, 97% so. The only country or group Pakistan is worried about is India, the country it has fought and bickered with for the last 40+ years. And most recently, it was in 2000-2001 when more than a million Pakistani and Indian troops amassed along the border in a standoff that was sure to make the Indo-Pakastani War look like a picnic. Even worse, both countries are publically engaged in a pronuclear standoff that the world is completely ignoring now that the U.S. dominates headlines with its "War on Terror."

It is no wonder that Osama bin Laden is in Pakistan, as Afghani president Hamid Karzai confidently told Tim Russert this past weekend on Meet the Press. Bin Laden knows the Taliban and Al Queda are under no threat in Pakistan as long as there are tensions between it and India. Furthermore, it is no wonder that the Taliban are back and in full force, so much so, it has driven coalition forces out of many eastern Afghani provinces. The only city that is even remotely close to being secure is the capital city, Kabul, now home to Unocal's ex-employee and once Trans-Afghani pipeline broker, Hamid Karzai. And, what's worse is that valuable resources used to suppress the Taliban and find bin Laden are being diverted to the other white elephant, Iraq, the country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

And yet, the Bush administration keeps trying to reassure us that everything is under control.

Shameful politics folks! Shameful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good analysis of Pakistan's role (or non-role, as it were) in our "War on Terror".

India, no doubt, has been watching relations between the US and Pakistan for their own political cues and I'm sure they're pleased with the revelations in Musharraf's new book.

12:44 PM  

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