Monday, September 15, 2008

Tracking Polls Only Suck When Your Candidate Isn't Leading

I wonder at times if Barrack Obama would be in this poll mess, McCain up by an average of 1% in most polls, had he chosen Hillary as a running mate? Then I think, if Obama had chosen Hillary, the GOP would have picked Pawlenty, and its conservative wing would have lambasted Dems for endorcing women's rights, and crucified, pun intended, Hillary for being too liberal and too ambitious a women to be vice president. Take it for what you will, but remember, this election is a purpose-driven election. We have seen "record" voter registration, which will benefit Democrats. Also, these new registered voters are not taking these polls, so take it with a grain of salt Obama supporters. Now, without further adieu, here's the latest Gallup poll.


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