Thursday, October 23, 2008

Allow Me to Repeat Myself...Again. Obama Is Not Pro Abortion!

In a Women's restroom in the Liberal Arts building at San Bernardino Valley College, one can find many things written on the stall doors: small, inciteful notes that read "Pedro is a dog" and longer texts that become unrepentant diatribes of vitriolic curses meant to completely detail the character flaws of random people. Once a pastime in the "Men's" room, writing on a Women's restroom stall door has now become commonplace at Valley. But on this particularly quiet Fall day, something else was left on the door: a flyer that expresses more the current divisiveness in American politics than it does the growing culture of graffiti in a Southern California community college Women's restroom. The flyer's topic? Abortion!

Now, you are probably wondering how I, a man, know this, and no I don't spend my time hanging out in Women's restrooms. As a matter of fact, I have good relationships with many women who do frequent this very restroom. So, it's not surprising when a colleague or student comes in to say, "Guess what's in the women's restroom?" And today was no different.

Without directly naming the candidates, it's clear the 8 1/2 by 11 inch flyer is meant to excoriate Obama for his alleged stance on abortion. Furthermore, it's meant to encourage prolifers to vote for McCain.

Along with the atrocious grammar, the flyer is grossly inaccurate, stating inherently flawed arguments and citing statistics out of context. In essence, the flyer, with the help of vulgar pathos, is a fiction meant to completely divide and fill people with exactly the same anger and hate that has permeated the McCain/Palin rallies. On a non sequitur, it was refreshing recently when Biden asked McCain to stop this type of negative campaigning in an effort to heal and unite the nation, something I believe more people agree with this election than the ignorance in this flyer.

However, reluctant to get into this debate on whether Obama, a loving family man with two beautiful young daughters, is right or wrong on abortion, here is the flyer in its entirety for you to judge.
I will say, that although it's egreggiously bias, and an outright lie regarding Obama's stance on abortion, this flyer does make a good point about McCain; he supports war.


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