Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Where the Hell Is Obama's Economic Plan???

Many of my colleagues have been asking why Obama has not sat down with the Clintons and their economic team and come up with some kind of economic plan? Can it really be that hard? I've seen a half-assed plan on Obama's website whereby he would cut taxes for 95% of workers and their families or reward companies with tax breaks for creating jobs in America, but considering the egregious financial difficulty America is currently facing, we're hearing talk of the need for someone to create a plan rivalling that of the Manhattan project that would create jobs and lead us to energy independence. So, what is Obama doing about it? I'm assuming he's trying to maintain the status quo, that anything he puts forth will be interpreted by McCain and his hellions as increased government spending, as big government. Desperately needing middle of the road voters, Obama's hands are tied.


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