Monday, November 03, 2008


I'm extremely nervous about tomorrow. So much so, I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm running a local poll in the city where I live, Redlands. I'm nervous for two reasons. First, the Registrar of Voters believes there is going to be 80% voter turnout, which means it's going to be an extremely busy day, full of complaints and demanding voters who will accuse me of everything from violating their constitutional rights to being unsympathetic to their individual needs. Oh well, my yoke is light, and I can bear that burden. What I can't bear is if tomorrow this nation elects John McCain. I truly believe that for the sake of my children, this nation needs the healing that Obama promises to bring. For the sake of international goodwill, we need the vision and the hope that things will change, that neo-Conservative rule is over and the world can once again look to us as a guiding light, as naive and hackneyed as that may be. So, my brothers and sisters, and mothers and fathers, and aunts and uncles, and cousins and friends, take a deep breath tonight, send out positive vibes through prayers, dialogue, and thought, and together, let's hope that this nation does the right thing tomorrow and elects Barrack Obama. As my friend Juilie likes to remind me, "Peace and Love."


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