Thursday, March 06, 2008

Achilles Heal?

I wouldn't go so far as to scream as James Fallows does everytime he hears the "experience" charge leveled against Obama by Hillary Clinton (HRC) or John McCain. Besides, Fallows has always been a cry baby from Redlands, so it doesn't surprise me. However, don't you think Hillary knows she has only slightly more legislative experience than Obama, or that George Bush and Bill had no legislative experience when they ran? Of course she does.

I imagine Obama "will" brush it aside, as Bush and Bill both did, but these are war times and as long as HRC keeps pounding on it, she continues to gain ground, especially now that McCain has tied up the Republican nomination.

As Congressional Quarterly's Craig Crawford surmised today, Clinton has opened an "Achilles heal" in Obama's candidacy regarding national security and who's "more experienced" to run against a hardliner like McCain on national security. Sorry you nose-up-Obama's-ass folks! But it's politics. In fact, you all should read Taegan Goddard's article "It's not about the Math," if your having problems with HRC's politics and Obama's recent slip from the throne of God.


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