Thursday, November 06, 2008

This Hurts Me to No End

I get a lot of forwards, and rarely do I open them, so if you're a friend of mine and reading this blog, save the time and don't send them. However, my own mother sent me this photo, along with several other photos, and for one brief moment, I felt connected to her. I understood exactly where she was coming from, where she had been, and where she was going. She is a mother, a caretaker to children who had no protection other than her, and she is, without a doubt, someone who loves her children and would die for them without hesitation. Having two young sons myself, the power of this photo made all the more reason why we should be out of Iraq. Seeing as this picture made me weep, even on the cusp of great change in America, I felt obligated to share it with you, and I hope that you receive it in the spirit it was posted. If you are moved by it and want to do something about it, call Congress at 1-800-459-1887 and ask them to end the war in Iraq.


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