Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Violence Still in Iraq

I know we're all consumed by the current race for the White House, high gas prices, and hangovers the day after St. Patrick's Day, but let us not forget that there's still a war going on in Iraq.

The latest totals show at least 3,978 U.S. military personnel have died in Iraq and another 29,395 have been wounded, according to Department of Defense figures. In fact, yesterday 43 Iraqi's were killed and 73 wounded in anattack carried out by a female suicide bomber in the heavily Shiite holy city Karbala. The city is often described as "the most secure perimeters in Iraq."

For what it's worth, the information we're getting about the surge is not necessarily accurate. Keep in mind this president's PR campaign has tried to sell this war to us using every technique of persuasion possible. As Micheal Wier pointed out, the surge is not what's working here. What's working is that we've merely armed one group, Shiites, against another, Sunnis. This plan is bound to explode in America's face at some point, leaving Iraq in much worse shape than it was before the so called "surge."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good posts lately. I was listening to Gen. Petraeus and ambassador Crocker speak before Congress today stressing the usual points - the surge is working, it's Iran's fault things aren't better, please approve the additional millions earmarked in the upcoming supplemental...
Although interestingly, there was some veiled language about how "...Iraq's five principal leaders requested a long-term relationship with the United States, to include economic, political, diplomatic and SECURITY cooperation." There it is... another South Korea or Germany or ... take your pick. Permanent bases, permanent war. With this mess to inherit, makes you wonder why anyone would fight so hard to be the next one in office.

7:08 PM  

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