Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Last Friday, I posted the idea of a possible McCain/Romney ticket. I thought that in the fairness of competition and America's dominant race, McCain might ask Romney to be his running mate. However, "my friend" Jay gave me something to think about today when he suggested McCain might ask Kay Baily Hutchinson to be his running mate. Actually, with a flare for hyperbole, Jay's exact words were, "Don't see it happening. I think he, the little twerp who can't move his arms more than 6 inches, might ask Kay Baily Hutchinson from Texas and secure the South and the womens' vote."

That got me to thinking, do Republicans care about the womens' vote, or are they capitilizing on the phenomenon that has become the Democratic primaries? Ostensibly, people everywhere have suddenly begun to care about the representaion of Blacks and women in government, so wouldn't McCain be better off asking Condoleezza Rice, a Black female conservative? Boy, McCain would be double dipping. That got me to think even further, if McCain asks Hutchinson for no other purposes than to "secure the South and the women's vote," isn't this a continued exploitation of women? "Man," minorities just can't catch a break in the Republican party, can they?


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