Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Elmer J. Fudd Stays

Looks like Lieberman will retain his chiarmanship role, thanks to a gracious and generous Barrack Obama. I imagine Obama threw his support behind Lieberman to try and sway him back to the left and maybe secure more votes. As Ezra Klein pointed out the other day, Lieberman bolted to the right, politically, in reaction to being rejected by the left, including his own Democratic constituents. While I certainly can accept that as an excuse, it does not excuse Lieberman's actions. Lieberman, whether many Dems want to accept it or not, is far to the right on foreign policy issues, especially those dealing with national security. So I fail to see how Obama can use him for votes. As far as I'm concerned, he's a true Gad fly, an irritating twit at best.


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