Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pentagon= Hexagon, Hexagon, Hexagon

Anyone have a chance to listen to National Public Radio this morning and come across Morning Edition's story of the Pentagon being the masterminds behind the whole "Support Our Troops" campaign ( According to the story, they created the ad campaign when support for the Iraq war started declining. Typical!

I'm sure many of you are wondering why I'm even mentioning this. The simple reason is that government propaganda campaigns designed to manipulate the general populus to support an unpopular and unjust war are exactly the fascist ideals that are anti-American and should not be tolerated by the American people. Not only so, but they are using tax payer money. Surely the ads don't represent me nor millions of other Americans who oppose the war.

We have come to believe that if you don't support the troops, you are anti-American. If you don't support the war, you are anti-American. Well let me tell you something about being anti-American. Along with this ad campaign, the Pentagon started going to Major League Baseball parks to drum up support as well. On the loud speakers at any particular ball park, fans attention would be turned to the jumbotron screens usually above the scoreboard. There, fans would get a number to send "support our troops" text messages directly to the troops overseas. But, the text messages weren't going to the troops. They were going directly to a Pentagon database for information storage. How more anti-American is that?

John Dean reinforced the connection between fascism and our current government this passed Monday on Countdown with Keith Olberman. When asked, "Are we facing a legitimate threat to the concept of Democracy in this country?" Dean replied, "I don't think we're on a fascist road right now. We are so close though, Keith."

Yes, we are close. So the next time I hear some Anne Coultier redneck freak tell me that I'm anti-American because I think our president lied us into an unjust war, I'm going to mention this as one more example of just how close our government is to a Fascist regime.