Thursday, September 04, 2008

Same Amount of Viewers, Different Results

Senator Barrack Obama had only slightly more viewers during his DNC speech than Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin had during her RNC speech, 38 million to 37 million, yet the outcomes were quite different.

Palin's speech, as many have said, fired up the Republican base, evangelicals, neocons that will support the party at all costs. And that's where her speech dies. Unfortunately for McCain and Palin, viewers merely tuned in out of curiosity, not because she was someone by which everyone was captivated. How would viewers have known she would do well, or even fail miserably? No one knew her! So for pundits to claim that she's enthralled Americans, or that 37 million tuned in to hear her speech because they want her to be the next vice president, is ridiculous, irresponsible at best.

Not only so, but for some to claim that this 37.2 million translates into votes is even more ludicrous. Only 46% of registered Republicans believe Palin was the right choice.

However, look at another angle regarding numbers at both the RNC and DNC. If we took all of the people who attended the RNC the last two nights to see Palin and then McCain speak, it would barely
equal the 82,000 that attended the one night to hear Obama. And not once was there a camera shot of a protestor "inside" the stadium being hauled away from the event by security, as happened several times over during the RNC.

For the last two years, Obama has been dragged through the fire, mud, and every other vile excrement known, and yet he's remained riveting, inspiring, an dare I say, presidential.

For the last week, we've heard virtually nothing good about Palin. We've heard that like McCain she is a maverick, someone who follows her own life's ambitions rather than do what is right for the common good. We know that as a mayor, she left her city in debt. We've heard that she supports earmarks that benefit her state and then lies to a national audience that she doesn't. And now we're beginning to hear that as a true "family values" supporter, and a loving wife, she may have had sexual affairs with various people over the course of her career.

The outcome of Obama's DNC speech was clear: one more inspiring speech that clearly shows he has the temper and the disposition for the presidency. He took no clear cheap shots at McCain and only set the record straight regarding the last 8 years of a Republican controlled government.

As I suppose will happen over the coming weeks, the hype of the National conventions will die down, attacks from both parties will steadily rise, debates will expose both Palin and McCain for the frauds they are, and through the smoke and ashes, a well groomed Obama/Biden victory will be solidified. We can only hope. This is coming from an Obama critic/supporter