Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Man was I wrong! I underestimated the power of the "Obama movement." However, I'm not so sure why many Dems are against the Clintons. I seem to remember a very prosperous and fairly peaceful eight years during Bill's years as president. Wait, did I say peaceful? That's right! There was the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, the bombing of the USS Cole, the Tanzanian and Kenyan bombings, the Waco, Texas incident, the gun in the face of a young Elian Gonzalez deportation, a tempestuous Republican Congress hell bent on destroying the Executive branch, the Kosovo invasion and the capture and eventual hanging of Milosevich.

With that said, we still had an economic run like no other and most Americans were happy! Despite these incidents, I traveled the world in the 90's and felt safe everywhere I went. Despite these incidents, I never feared nuclear war like I do today. Despite these incidents, I attained a Bachelors Degree and worked under Clinton's brilliant America Reads program. The 1990's were prosperous times for America. There was a responsible housing boom that didn't crash, minimum wage went up twice, and thousands of Americans went back to work after years of unemployment during the Reagan and Bush years. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'd like to experience that again and not gamble it on an idealistic neophyte like Obama.

Who's There?

The Senate's decision yesterday to expand the government’s spy powers and give legal protection to phone companies that cooperated in President Bush’s warrantless eavesdropping program is awful, eggregious at best.

What I find even more disheartening is the Democrats' inability to stand up to this Bush Administration and tell it "NO! We will not do as you say! We will not spy on Americans without a proper court order, and those who do will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!" And, that includes AT&T, and Verizon, the two mega mobile phone companies at the heart of this controversy.

I'm beginning to think that Democrats "really" want this spy program. I'm beginning to think they see it as a possibility for their own use, should they regain power in 2009. I'm not sure that the program hasn't helped the Bush Administration, so it would make sense that the Dems would also like to use it. I also think that Dems are still fighting the stigma of being weak in the war on terror, especially heading into the 2008 general elections against McCain. Whatever the case, shame on the Dems for not standing up for our rights.