Friday, April 20, 2007

Random Political Musings

I’ve been hearing a lot lately, especially from my Black colleagues, that Barrack Obama isn’t Afro-centric enough for their vote. In fact, media pundits alike have concluded that Obama simply does not have the Black vote as a whole because of this reason. Correct me if I’m wrong here, isn’t Barrack as close as it can currently get to Black representation in Washington? Isn’t it at least a step in the right direction for Blacks? I mean, who else do they want, Hillary Clinton, John the $400 haircut Edwards, soon-to-be ex-Nation of Islam leader Luis Farakhan?

I was wondering recently why John McCain was so vociferously supporting Bush’s plan to increase troop levels in Iraq and further escalate the conflict, and then it donned on me. The Bush admin claims that this increase will take place over the next 18 months. What happens in 18 months? The 2008 presidential election. If an increase in troops can quell enough of the violence in Iraq, even if only for a short time through the elections, McCain will be seen as a wise military leader. Obviously it’s a gamble McCain is willing to take. Should violence not die down, McCain can plan on never running for the oval office again.

Have you noticed that there have been an unusual number of coal mining disasters lately? I can’t remember a time during my 33 years on this earth that so many mining disasters have happened so close to each other. Well, as any educated and sane person can guess, the Bush admin has relaxed safety standards for this industry. Companies trying to cut corners for profit are putting employees at risk for serious health problems, including death in some cases.

Period, I don’t like Hillary Clinton. There is something disingenuous about her that bothers me. She acts like a politician, speaks like a politician and even looks like a politician. At least Obama knows how to mask his political appearance enough to still sound and look like a normal person. Here’s Hillary’s response to her vote authorizing the use of force in Iraq, “Had I known then what I know now, I would not have voted for the war, but I don’t have the luxury of do-overs.” However, just a year and a half ago Hillary said, “I still think authorizing the use of force in Iraq was a good thing. We removed an evil dictator from power and the people of Iraq are better off without him.” Yes it is true, Hillary doesn’t have the luxury of do-overs, but she does have the luxury of an elite education, a Rhode’s scholar that has the ability to think and reason better than 90% of America and could have voted for Senator Carl Levin’s plan to allow the U.N. the choice of using force in Iraq instead of adopting a “go-it-alone” strategy that has left America solely responsible for the quagmire in Iraq. Republicans will have a field day using the flip flop tactics of the 2004 presidential election on Hillary. In my opinion, I’m tired of a Bush/Clinton reign in politics. I want fresh blood. I want a new, young face in Washington, someone with an open mind who can identify the needs of Americans.

Albert Gonzales is a joke! I wonder at what grade level the Texas BAR exam was written? I may go out there myself and take it! I think the best point from yesterday's hearing came from Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) in an interview shortly after it ended. He described to a handful of media correspondents the difference between the current Bush Administration and his father's administration and even Reagan's. He said "The difference is that with those other administrations, there would be no Alberto Gonzales tomorrow after what happened today." In fact, just yesterday, Bush said he was pleased with Gonzales' performance, though he admits he did't hear or read any of Gonzo's testimony. What again is he pleased about? Any dimwitted American could have seen or heard his testimony and concluded that the level of inconsistencies were so great Gonzales might have been confused with a mental retard.