Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Nationwide polls conducted by the Times and CBS News this past week show that the scandal surrounding Republican Congressman Marc Foley is hurting Congress's image. Really? Was Congress's image anything but poor before this scandal? Furthermore, I wonder how many millions of dollars the Times and CBS News wasted on something that to most Americans is obvious?

Cut these polls up any way you would like, but the only Party to blame for that poor image is the GOP, being that they have held power in Congress for the last 12 years and have basically been a rubber stamp for the attrocious policies of Bush's failed administration.

Furthermore, scandal after scandal has plagued this Republican Party, and it doesn't look like it is going to stop anytime soon. Just recently it was shown that disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who the Bush administration maintains had limited contact with the White House, was actually a regular there. CNN reported on September 29 that "The draft report of the House Government Reform Committee said the documents -- largely Abramoff's billing records and e-mails -- listed 485 lobbying contacts with White House officials over three years, including 10 with top Bush aide Karl Rove." And he had limited contact? Yeah right!

For years now, Republicans have celebrated their successes because of one key constituent, Envangelicals who believe the Party is as close to God as it comes. This group of voters comes out in groves to vote and support Republican pols, because in their minds, it is the more moral Party and more representative of their Christian values. However, after revelations that many of these same Evangelicals are going to vote Party line this November, even with all of the scandals, it's clear they're not too concerned with who is representing God these days. Some of these same voters are admittedly voting for Mark Foley, even though they know he is a sexual predator.

Evangelicals voting habits defy logic. Here is a group that votes based on morality, yet even when it knows about a sexual predator in its beloved Party, it votes for him anyway. If anything, the Democrats are more of the embodiment of morality and more representative of our pluralistic nation than the Republicans. For example, the Democrats didn't lie to get America into a war, as President Bush did when he said in his State of the Union speech leading up to the Iraq war that Iraq was actively seeking enriched uranium for the manufacturing of nuclear weapons. Democrats didn't take Jack Abramoff's money or allow him into the White House 485 times and then lie about it. Democrats didn't sexually pursue underage Pages and then try to cover it up. Democrats didn't misuse the Senate to try and pass legislation during the Terry Schiavo case to advance their religious ideologies.

In essence, by voting for these disgraced Republican politicians, Evangelicals are condoning lying, murder (in terms of soldiers dying in an illegal and unjust war), financial crimes, sexual predators etc.

Congress's image is in shambles because of one reason: the Party in power has let power go to its head, and it has done every sick misdeed one can think of to maintain that power, including covering up for a sexual predator. No poll needed to figure that one out, just common sense.