Thursday, July 24, 2008

Barrack in Deutschland

"Willkommen, meine dammen und herrn. Ich bin Barrack Obama, und ich komme aus Amerika!"

Well, that's not exactly how Obama's speech began yesterday in Germany (Deutschland), but it's as close to a representation the Republicans want as possible.

I say this, because the speech was actually phenomenal. I can't even express how great an orator he is, and how awful McCain looks backdropped by the Kraft Cheese aisle of a supermarket and spouting off rants of a "successful" surge that only has legs because we've armed one Iraqi faction against another.

Obama sounded extremely presidential, and I can't even imagine how much worse it's going to get for McCain as Obama comes more and more to the forefront of a presidential race that ostensibly is his to win or lose. As the race continues to gain momentum, as debates come into view, happen, and then are analyzed to death, we're going to see even starker contrasts between these two candidates, despite their agreements on nearly 3/4 of the issues.

However, Obama's speech yesterday reminded me of why I love this country. Feeling as though I've been slumping with despair the last 7 1/2 years, I sensed myself raising my head, squaring my shoulders, and saying to myself, "I'm proud to be an American!" Though this is not to say I was not proud before Obama's speech. In essence, the speech renewed, and even rekindled a deep and sincere love for my country that I had completely forgotten about. I hope he continues to inspire me.

Letter from Obama!

I wanted to let everyone know that I received my first letter from Barrack Obama today, asking me to donate money to the DSCC (Democratic Senate Campaign Committee). Anyway, Senate Democrats can go fu.. themselves for all I care. Has Obama completely forgotten that these sons of bitches have caved on defending nearly everything that is important to this nation and its Constitution? Obama will be lucky enough to get a C note from me for his presidential campaign. Donate to the DSCC? Give me a break!